Here's what you'll learn in this 1-hour class:
"These diagrams and writings quite literally saved my life... let them wash away depression for you, too." ~Joe Hagen
"After a few conversations with Tim I understood what caused depression... and how to stop entering that world completely."
~Carlene Donovan "These ideas, these understandings... will absolutely free you... from despair, anxiety, depression. Now life's easy. Life's a flow. It's much more beautiful than I could have imagined it could be." ~Jason Openshaw
"I had actually googled, 'What is the point of living?'" ~ Naomi Fox
Hi. I'm Tim Donovan.
If I could convey only one thing to you, it would be this:
No matter how it may feel at the moment, life hasn't abandoned you. The answers you've been seeking your entire life... actually exist. They are waiting for you! Find them and your experience of life will change in ways you would've never dreamed possible. The anxiety, the depression, the overwhelm--they will all begin to fade, and in their place will be an understanding about life that is truly breathtaking. I know this is true because this is precisely what happened for me. Imagine what it will feel like to never again fear the end of the party... to never again dread coming home to an empty house... to never again wander through a bookstore in frantic desperation? It’s a relief beyond measure. I want you to know that there really is an ever-renewing well of meaning that’s waiting for you... ...and the purpose of everything we do here at the Inner Oasis is to help you find it. |
"It was in the throes of addiction and depression that I found this work. Imagine...the immediate release from that painful life we've been living. Of that hopelessness that's been a cloud hanging over our heads. It's Freedom."
~Larry Furgeson |
More About Tim
Tim is an educator and facilitator, having spent nearly 25 years studying and helping others to understand the little-known principles that freed him from suicidal depression... the very same principles that also restored his love for life.
He started his career as a mechanical engineer with one of the world's leading tech companies, then traded it in to dedicate his life to understanding how to be unconditionally free. His passion for absolute clarity helps him distill the complicated wisdom from all facets of life into extraordinarily effective, yet easy-to-understand insight and instruction. His methods for expressing this wisdom are truly unique and deeply impactful—a powerful blending together of profound explanation, hand-crafted illustration, inspiring movie clips, live demonstration, clever thought experiments, and clarifying props! His approach makes the sublime memorable. This is why he has helped countless seekers over the years see the truth for themselves... unobstructed... pure... beautiful |
"In the end, what you're really searching for,
through all those endless pursuits and problems in life is just one thing: the discovery of the one true purpose for being a human being. Find out what that is and every other problem will begin to fall away." ~Tim Donovan |