Dissolve Depression Permanently:
The 4-Step System That Changes Everything.
This free workshop shows you exactly how to do it.
No pills. No therapy. No fluff.
Learn how to get to the root cause of depression in order to end it forever. No therapy or "coping" mechanisms, just the insights and understanding that you need to dissolve depression permanently and live a meaningful life you love. Whether you've been searching for years or you're just starting to seek, this workshop is for you.
GET ACCESS FIRST"These understandings will absolutely free you... from despair, anxiety, depression.
Now life's easy. Life's a flow.
It's much more beautiful than I could have imagined it could be."
Jason Openshaw

"Depression has been a part of my life...forever...since I was a kid. It's crazy to not have it anymore. It's so freeing...Freeing isn't enough. It's a lightness...It's like remembering how to live again...
I'm a better father now. I'm the father I wanted to be and was trying to be...
There's no anxiety. I have the confidence of living. Without a doubt, this is the path."
Dustin Myers
25 Years Ago, I Dissolved Depression Permanently.
No Pills. No Years of Costly Therapy.
Now It's Your Turn.
If I could convey only one thing to you, it would be this:
Life hasn't abandoned you. In fact, far from it...
The answers you've searched for your entire life... actually exist. They're waiting for you!
Find them and your experience of life will change in ways you would've never dreamed possible.
The anxiety, the depression, the overwhelm--they will all fade away, and in their place will be an understanding about life that is truly breathtaking.
I know this is true because this is precisely what happened for me. But it took more than just finding those answers... it took a sincere, earnest effort to understand them. Do this much, and new meaning will begin pouring in!
Just think with me for a second... what would it feel like to never again fear the end of the party... to never again dread coming home to an empty house... to never again wander through a bookstore in frantic desperation? It’s a relief beyond measure.
Click to Read More of My Story ➝
"I just wanted to be someone who was high functioning in the world who could live despite experiencing suicidal depression.
It wasn’t until my conversations with Tim that I saw that I didn’t have to even be part of the world of depression anymore.
I could walk out on that world forever. Years later, I can tell you that I haven’t re-entered that world.
I understood what caused depression in my life and how to stop entering the world completely.
You don’t have to have depression be a part of your life anymore. It can be over for good.”
Carlene Donovan

"[Tim's writings and illustrations], quite literally, saved my life!
I recommend anyone fighting with depression, struggling with depression, to plug into what Tim has to teach you and find out for yourself.
The truth is, depression can fall away. It did for me when i understood the truth of it.
Aren't you sick and tired of feeling completely powerless?
That's just part of depression's lies... it convinces you that it's real, that it's powerful and that you must fight it or you're gonna lose everything.
Don't let it win and don't let it keep ruining your life.
Only depression itself wants you to stay depressed.
There are no words sufficient to express my gratitude for what Tim showed me and taught me."
Joe Hagan

Get FIRST Access To:
Dissolve Depression Permanently WITHOUT Pills or Therapy
Learn how to get to the root cause of depression in order to end it forever. No therapy or "coping" mechanisms, just the insights and understanding that you need to dissolve depression permanently and live a meaningful life you love. Whether you've been searching for years or you're just starting to seek, this workshop is for you.
"If you're struggling, if you're lost, if you're suffering with anxiety and depression like I was, reach out to Tim...I promise he's really going to help you."
Johnny Carona

"I had actually googled, 'What is the point of living?"
Naomi Fox
"It was in the throes of addiction and depression that I found the authentic Inner Work. Imagine...the immediate release from that painful life we've been living, and that hopelessness that's been a cloud hanging over our heads. It's Freedom."
Larry Furgeson

"I feel like we've been given a clarity and a peace I had never experienced before...There's such a freshness to being able to release the constant search for that next thing that's going to make you feel better, whether its a substance or a book or some perfect morning routine...
We call it work, but it's observation and presence, and its being in a community of people who aren't afraid to walk into those dark places with you because they've been there, too.
This work helps us see clearly, a way to peace."
Ashley Smith

How I Dissolved Depression Permanently.
The 4 Secrets That Change Everything.
Learn how to get to the root cause of depression in order to end it forever. No therapy or "coping" mechanisms, just the insights and understanding that you need to dissolve depression permanently and to live a meaningful life you love. Whether you've been searching for years or you're just starting to seek, this workshop is for you.

Has Achieving Your Goals Left You Feeling Empty?
Success Didn't Fill that Void You Thought it Would?
You're Not Alone.
Many people find themselves standing at the moment of having achieved their goal, or their dream having finally come to life, and yet they find themselves feeling empty and hopeless.
That graduation ceremony that felt hollow.
That promotion that left you with MORE stress, not less.
That trip that didn't quite scratch the itch you thought it would.
That relationship that didn't fill that void that yearns to be filled...
If the very thing that promised to make me happy hasn't, then what will?
If finally achieving my goals doesn't make me feel worthy and complete, then what am I even doing here?!
It can feel like nothing will fill that void. But don't worry, there's something that will.